Li Yuan
Publish Date:2015/06/15 Views:



Yuan LiMaleBorn in 1979. From year 2007, working in the Xiamen University.

Research InterestsNew Techniques for Space Research 



2004-2007, Ph.D in the field of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing at LIESMARS, Wuhan Univsersity 

2001-2004, double Master Degree (China-Netherlands) in 2004 

1997-2001, Graduated from Wuhan University (China) in 2001 (Bachelor Degree) 

Working Experience

2013- Tongji University (Post-Doctorial Research) 

2013.7-8 Hongkong University (Visiting Scholar) 

2010-2011 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Post-doctorial Research)



Selective Publication

1Understanding tourist space at a historic site through space syntax analysis: The case of Gulangyu, China. Tourism Management, 52 (2016): 30-43.SSCI

2Classifying Community Space at a Historic Site through Cognitive Mapping and GPS Tracking: The Case of Gulangyu, China. Urban Design International. 2016222:127-149. SSCI

3Echoes of Italian lessons on the typo-morphological approach: A planning proposal for Gulangyu Island, China. Habitat International201769:1-17. SSCI


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